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Project Updates

The Honoapiilani Highway Improvements has been progressing, and we’d like to update you on project analysis and planning.

There have been some project delays, but the team is currently coordinating technical reviews with multiple agencies to complete the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

The Draft EIS publication is planned for release in Winter 2024. This will initiate a 45-day public comment process at the end of 2024, including public hearings that will be held in January 2025. The Final EIS and Record of Decision is planned to be completed and published mid-2025.

Look forward to public hearings in January, in addition to the following project updates:

  • Environmental analyses and the Draft Environmental Impact Statement are being reviewed by Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).

  • The Lahaina wildfire did not physically affect the highway project area, however it did result in delays and updated environmental analyses.

  • An extensive assessment of cultural resources is underway -HDOT and FHWA continue to consult with the State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD), local residents, and cultural practitioners.

  • Evaluations of wetlands, waterways, and threatened and endangered species are nearly complete, in coordination with Federal agencies

  • The RAISE grant deadline for funding construction has been extended to allow for more time to complete the various studies and the EIS document. 

Project Overview

The scenic coastal Honoapiʻilani Highway (State Route No. 30) is a single two-lane highway that currently serves as the primary access route to and from West Maui.

It is part of the island’s belt road system which operates as a two-lane principal arterial on the National Highway System (NHS) and Freight Network System (FNS).

The undivided highway provides two 12-foot travel lanes with 4-foot to 8-foot shoulders. Most of the highway terrain is relatively flat, lying close to mean sea level.

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Project Goals

Image of damage road

Project Purpose

The Primary Purpose of this project is to provide a reliable transportation facility in West Maui and improve Honoapiʻilani Highway’s resilience by reducing the highway’s vulnerability to coastal hazards.


  • Provide Regional Transportation System Linkages that Support the Safe Movement of People and Goods
  • Conform with Regional Land Use and Transportation Plans
Picture of roadway with ocean and beach on the left

Project Need

As a coastal highway, Honoapiʻilani Highway is vulnerable to:

  • sea level rise
  • passive flooding
  • annual high wave flooding
  • coastal erosion

As delineated by the Hawaii Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Commission (HCCC)’s Sea Level Rise Exposure Area (SLR-XA).

Submit A Comment

Please use the form to submit a general question or to comment on the Environmental Process.

If you'd like to mail your comment, you're welcome to use this form.

Thank you for being a part of the process!

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To request language interpretation, an auxiliary aid, or special services (e.g. sign language interpreter, materials in alternate format), please contact Mr. Ken Tatsuguchi:
Please submit requests one week in advance of the meeting or event.


  • January 2023
    • Launch of environmental assessment process, which includes NOI and EISPN.
    • Start of Environmental Planning Process (Continues through 2025)
  • Winter 2024-2025
    • Draft Environmental Impact Statement Published (December 2024)
    • Public Hearing (January 2025)
    • 45-day Public Comment Process (December 2024 - February 2025
      Summer 2025)
  • Summer 2025
    • Final Environmental Impact Statement Published
    • Preconstruction
  • 2027
    • Construction Begins
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